After graduating from high school, Dr. Fullop attended Lindenwood College where he played football for two years and then transferred to St. Louis University to complete his bachelor’s of science degree. Dr. Fullop then attended SIUE School of Dental Medicine where he graduated with his doctorate in 2002.
Dr. Fullop currently practices full-time. Dr. Fullop participates in continuing education in order to stay current in all aspects of dentistry. Dr. Fullop is known for his thoroughness and attention to detail. He also ensures each and every patient knows all options available to them, and lets them choose the option they are most comfortable with.
Dr. Fullop enjoys spending his free time with his wife, Vanessa, and three daughters, Julia, Addison and Siri. He also enjoys hunting, fishing and boating.

Please welcome our newest member of the Southwind Dental Care Staff, Dr. David N. Wells. Dr. Wells will be joining the practice this July. He is a 2014 graduate of SIU-School of Dental Medicine.
Dr. Wells grew up in Grayville, IL. He was active in many sports throughout high school and also finished as valedictorian of his graduating class. Following high school graduation, he attended SIUC where he graduated with honors and received his B.S. in Agriculture in 1998.
Dr. Wells completed Officer Candidate School in 2004 and became an intelligence officer for the US Navy, where he served 6 years. His career included two deployments with an F/A-18 fighter squadron, first responder to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, six weeks humanitarian service in Sumatra and serving at the Office of Naval Intelligence in Washington D.C.
Dr. Wells is looking forward to returning to his roots in the Midwest. He enjoys hunting, fishing, being outdoors, and riding his motorcycle. Southwind Dental Care feels very fortunate to have Dr. Wells and to be able to introduce him to the community as a dedicated health care provider.